Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Is MySpace dangerous or not?

MySpace has come under fire in CT after some sexual assaults took place between teenage girls and men they didn't know? Couldn't we agree that this could happen on AIM or any form of chatting with strangers? Do you blame the site or the parents?

Is MySpace dangerous or not?

How can you blame the actions of a few sick and messed up people on a website? The intentions of myspace were not for child molestors. It was meant as a place to find friends and reconnect with people. It isn't fair like I said earlier to blame the actions of a few people on one website. Would you blame every Afghani person for 9-11? Come on people and pull your heads out of your asses, the same thing could happen on AIM or even here on yahoo. Parents need to educate their children on the importance of not giving personal information to anyone they don't know. I mean would you give your credit card or social security number to a person known for stealing peoples identities? People need to stop placing blame on others and accept responsibility for their actions. People need to be educated I guess on how not to be stupid! I do believe that a person has to be at least 14 to sign up for the site, but someone I know is on there and she isn't 14 but she easily lied about her age. I am not placing the blame on anyone here, I am simply just stating that people need to be more educated before they make any decisions!

Is MySpace dangerous or not?

The site.

Is MySpace dangerous or not?

the site they should all be drowned in battery acid


the parents should be sterilized so they can not contaminate the world with their retarded seed

Is MySpace dangerous or not?

The site..

Is MySpace dangerous or not?

Yes the same thing could happen on any site or with any program that allows people to post personal information about themselves that a predator could use. But I would blame the parents for not monitoring what their kids were doing online, and teaching them common sense - like don't give your personal info to strangers. Duh!

Is MySpace dangerous or not?

Well, first, girls should know not to flirt or give personal info to men they don't know.

MySpace is a little dangerous though. It shows porn.

Parents should know what their kids are doing, and kids should know what they're doing and if it is right.

Is MySpace dangerous or not?

I think the problem is its relatively sudden popularity. Obviously, MySpace is more than just IM; it's a personal multimedia destination. So many kids are embracing it without considering its inherent risks. MySpace is the chat room of this generation.

I agree these incidences could have occured in other forums, but the problem is the celebrity of MySpace. I don't think people need to overreact, but making teens who are using it more aware of the risks is essential. Parental involvement is more important than ever to insure children aren't interacting with inappropriate people.

Is MySpace dangerous or not?

first able I agree with you I also like family guy.But my personal opinion is that the parents might have the fault also because they are allowing their kids to go to that type of sites knowing that there are alot of sexual predator.

Is MySpace dangerous or not?

Yes it is. It's really dangerous, People will try to e-mail you when you don't want them to. Hey if you don't like my opinion, you cared to ask.

Is MySpace dangerous or not?

its not the site.

you should never make an atempt to meet some one like that unless you know them in full, or you should be with few friends when you meet in the beginning...

Is MySpace dangerous or not?

it is a combination of the both...... the site wants information that is actually private and for a child who knows no better then to put that info up there is opening the door for pervs or what not to look at her/his stuff, not mentiong the pictures that are put up too, anyone can look at it, parents should know what their children are up to but soemtimes they think better of the kids even though they try, but i think the MYSPACE is a stupid website anyways, why cant people just use the phone to keep in touch with people?

Is MySpace dangerous or not?

The parents and the kids themselves are to blame. MySpace is a conveniant excuse, its like blaming Marilyn Manson or South Park for the Columbine shootings.

Basically, kids should not be online upsupervised unless you can trust what they are up to and they know not to give out personal information to strangers.

If people in CT want to get mad at someone, how about getting mad at the actual rapists?

Is MySpace dangerous or not?

the parents. there are plenty of ways for kids to put personal information on the web. myspace, friendster, livejournal, chat rooms.

also, the kids don't have to put personal info on the site. you can leave your address %26amp; phone number off the myspace. you can even set your profile to private.

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