Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Stuck up Girls...?

Why are some girls so "stuck up"...I use to text this one girl just to say hi, everytime I did I wouldn't get a reply she would just go to "away" or "sign off"...she deleted me off 'MySpace' and I didn't know it was her until she IMed me today and I started thinking about it...(she told me a BS lie that she got hacked)...anyways she IM not too long ago she didn't say hi or nothing...just start talking about her BF (which I didn't she had until now)....she says they got to together last she text me "saying her BF is jealous...and if I friend said she loves her he gets mad" I just said "tell him I love know where I live" she says "you wanna die"...I say "No, If I win what I get...and if he wins?"..."she says "If I win I get a kick in the ***...if he wins he gets her"...My point is why are girls so stuck gets straight up annoying....and why freaking Text me if you deleted me off MySpace talking about your you just like attention from other guys?

Stuck up Girls...?

Why are you waisting your time with someone who is screwed in the head? She is messing w/you because she can, and you are letting her.

You can do better.

Stuck up Girls...?

Well you need to find a better girl, cause she sounds like a total b#$%^

Stuck up Girls...?

Stay away from that *****.

Stuck up Girls...?

some girls like attention but it was wrong 4 her 2 im u after she had deleted u from her list. maybe she's a drama wh*re?

Stuck up Girls...?

im not stuck up. If a guy textes me ( which they do) i text em back.

Stuck up Girls...?

This girl might be testing you ..that is all women do for self assurance ...if she talks about her BF when she text you is either she wants to see your reaction or she is just plain bored with her out and figure out if you want her around.. sorry to tell you this but she might be just playing with you, talk to her straight up and tell her the way you really feel...she might freak out when she realizes that you have figured out her game ...Women hate to be figured out .....try this dude you may win

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