We have been seeing one another 3 years... she says the private myspace profile (which I know has over a hundred men on it) is just for "shits and giggles" and that she doesn't meet any of the men on the site. I know she has a few ex-boyfriends or at least people she has been intimate with in the past on the site. I am upset about it but she says I should not be. I am wondering whether this is normal behavior, and whether I'm the crazy one for being concerned.
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
I have to admit, I guess I'm old fashioned.lol., but if I were in your shoes, not only would I be worried, I would be furious. It may all be completely innocent, but it's a big time set up for disaster. I know because i chat with friends on line. 99% of the men I have been contacted by are interested in one thing. They justify it if they are married by saying its non contact. You know, kind of like, Bill Clinton, when he said he did not have sexual relations with that girl. lol. Right. I'm going to be brutally honest. Lose her.
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
Son U have problems.
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
If you've been together for three years, I don't think you should be. Us girls like our private places, you know? But ask her nicely if you can see it, and if she still says no, don't push it. Trust her.
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
You must be young. Anyways, yeah. Ask to see her profile. If she doesn't let you, red flag. Make a profile and add her.
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
You are questioning yourself. Do you have a reason not to trust her after 3 years or do you feel that you are being too overprotective? Has she strayed from you in the past? If she has given you a reason to not trust her, then trust your instincts.
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
i would be,,call me paranoid but i'd be pissed
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
Tell her to think about if YOU had a private myspace with all this cute girls (some you may be ex's or exlovers) and see how she feels. Tell her she can't access that site as well because its for "shits and giggles"
I don't think she would like it so much. If she's not willing to change, then she is not worth it.
If there is no trust in a relationship then there is no relationship.
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
she is probably already cheating on you and talking to other men
you should break up with her and find a new girlfriend
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
if u guys broke up den No if u guys still in luv den yes u should worry dont yell at her just be calm ok! !
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
I would be as concerned as u r ...
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
Hell to the yeah...myspace equals vagina stew...no reason your woman should be putting hers in the pot without give you a spoon to check on it from time to time. Guaranteed she will cheat on you if you let her keep that junk up...or you could go the pimp route and get your own load it with girls and tell her about it...and if she gets pissed off you know she's not doing anything...if she says nothing then she probably is just trying not to bring up about here's
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
Yes you should. My bro-in-law has one and it's supposed to be just for (freinds) and it's not. Tell her to show you if she doesn't have anything to hide.
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
she might be getting naked on cam. just wait and see. yep she's a cyber s!ut. sorry dude, but i'd get to the bottom of this now. you've been with the girl 3 years. tell her you want to know what's on the site. demand that she show you. she's breaking your trust if she keeps hiding it from you, cause we all know if she's hiding it, it's something wrong with it.
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
I think you should cause if you think she has alot of "guy friends" it that "private" myspace thing and you dont have access to then you might want to worry. because if you ask she will probably say "ofcourse not" but don't worry so much were you want to kill yourself or something.
A girl I've dated for 3 yrs has a private myspace profile which I'm not able to access. Should I be worried?
My wife and I just went through this it was the other way around. I had the profile. We got into this HUGE fight because she was thinking the worst. Well of course she was I had a profile she didn't know about or access. I had nothing to hide so gave her all the access she wanted. Don't assume, she should understand your concerns. If she doesn't then "???????????????" ask and be honest. Then ask her to be honest.
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