Will u girls ever call the boy you like or do you leave it up to him to call you? I know there is a attraction between me and one of my new friends and i like her alot and i could see myself dating her but i feel like im bugging her every time i call her....so when i do wanna call her and talk to her i stop myself because i think i might be making her mad for some reason even though she has been nothing but nice to me..And if i tell her to call me sometime on myspace and she doesnt, is that a sign she doesnt like me?? I really like this girl but if she dont like me i dont wanna waste anymore time tryin and move on..
Need your girls help again????
personally,i let the guy call me. she may just b busy,but well..., it does sound like she's not interested.start moving on,give her some space,if u need anymore grl advice email bffshell101@yahoo.com!
Need your girls help again????
From a girl's perspective, everything is give %26amp; take. If you've made many attempts to call her and she does not reciprocate then she's probably not very interested or just taking your attention for her for granted. Maybe you can back off a little to see if she will make the attempt to contact you.
Need your girls help again????
Depending on how long you two have been talking, you need to just be honest with her. Some girls don't have it in them to call a guy. Some do. It really just depends on this girls personality. So, give in and just be honest that you like her and if she feels the same way, awesome, if not, it's cool staying friends.
Need your girls help again????
it's ok to let her know that you like her but stop calling!!! let her call you girls like when guys are kind of tough. you have to in a way play hard to get...personally if a guy called me off the hook and was chasing me, i'd be like ick, toughen up....also, don't always be available for her, if you guys do get together a few times ok, but don't .....basically just don't make it seem like you are desperate for her....i hope i helped a little.
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