Sunday, November 29, 2009

Husbands and myspace?

My husband hsa been looking up females in our area on myspace. And I notced the only pictures are those of hoochie looking girls with nothing on. And pictures of themselves in thongs and such. This pisses me off. How to I approach him about it with out blowing it out of porportion?

Husbands and myspace?

Just calmly tell him that you have seen the type of people he has added to his myspace and tell him you do not approve. Then explain your reasoning. I understand the point of myspace....or what it was intended for. I simply used it to contact friends that I lost contact with since highschool. That was it. Then I realized that it was turned into more of a dating site and a place to meet others, which is not what the intention was of it from the get go. I canceled my myspace over a year ago bc my hunny saw that it was more of a place like that and did not like that I would get on there even though all of my friends were females. I respected his feelings and cancelled it as soon as possible. Your husband should do the same.

Husbands and myspace?

Ask him to take a hoochie picture of you to post on your myspace page... since he likes those so much. (What's good for the gander is good for the goose)

Husbands and myspace?

There's no way to blow this out of proportion because it is a HUGE deal. He's cheating on you, or trying to.

Husbands and myspace?

blow it out of porportion

Husbands and myspace?

Just be straight up with him. It seems like he has a cheating attitude. And while your at it tell him to grow up and stop screwing around on something as stupid and pointless as myspace. He's not a 15 y/o girl.

Husbands and myspace?

BLOW IT OUT OF PROPORTION! that is not right! what would you do if he met one of those girls? I'm sorry, but you do not go on myspace, look up half naked (or naked) girls in your "area" and talk to them without having a hidden agenda. tell him not to do it, put your foot down. as a husband he has an obligation to say faithful. if myspace is going to compromise that, tell him to get rid of it; or erase his, and don't tell him :) but be prepared to fight over this. good luck

Husbands and myspace?

get a myspace and add all half naked men , he most certainly doesnt care about your feelings why spare his?

Husbands and myspace?

You have a right to be angry because he would not like it if you did the same. If men are good at something it is DENIAL. He'll probably try to deny it or make up excuses or alibis. Tell him to delete his account ASAP if he cares. I wouldn't necessarily say to do exactly what he's doing because you are just lowering yourself to his level. By you getting a myspace will only complicate the issue. Address it to him and ask him why he is doing that. Leave him if he doesn't change.

Husbands and myspace?

If it were just browsing randomly it wouldn't be that big of a deal- but since it is of pictures of girls near your area he is probably looking to cheat on you.

Blow it out of proportion, the situation calls for it.

Husbands and myspace?

Um, I dunno, maybe you can go and add a bunch of hunky-looking dudes (with nothing on) to your myspace page? Be obvious about it. I'm not sure how you explain a grown married man that it's not very respectful to be decorating your myspace with scantily clad women - without actually telling him to knock it off.

Husbands and myspace?

So you don't think it's a big deal?????????? You're being so careful not to blow it out of proportion. How will you feel if you find out he's cheating? I don't know that my marriage would be over but it would barely be hanging by a thread at this point. How do you get over something like that? How do you know if he's been with any of them? I would confront him and make as big of a deal as you want. To me this is huge!

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