Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

My boyfriend will be moving in with my son and I soon.His one daughter(16)got extremely irate with me because I mentioned to her father about her MySpace screen name (which is a very unappropriate name for a young girl as well as her default picture in her bra and panties lying in a seductive pose) Her father demanded she change it and an hour later she text me "You're a F'n B I hate you!" And I should "mind my own business." and she even told her dad she is going to "start problems so we break up" I only did it out of concern (as a mom myself) for her with all these predators and weirdos out there looking for girls like her on the internet.The mother agrees with her 100%.She hasnt spoken to her dad in 2 weeks because of this.She only texts him telling him hes an *-hole and he will be f'd in life now because he agrees with me over her. I dont appreciate her language at all.How do I handle her, her mouth and her drama when she will be at my house on his weekends? She wont apologize.

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

You really can`t do much b/c she is not your child. if you try to put her out her dad will not like that so that is the end of you and him. Maybe you should just apologize to her for getting in her business even though it was out of concern. Just to keep the ca motion down. THIS seems more than about myspcae .she probably does not like you at all and want her dad to dump you.

Just stay out of her way. That would be the best answer.

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

give her sometime to think what she did she will come around dont worry

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

ouch thats tough

why dont you guys go to family counselling becus it works.

she needs to lean to accept you. i reccomend a therapist or a psychologist and family counselling.

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

well if u don't want problems with them then ignore them and she wont say nothing

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

She's not your daughter......leave it at that. You can't parent someone elses child and expect for that child to not balk at your meddling. It seems to me that she's threatening to do the same thing to you that you have done to her. Create an alliance with her parents against YOU. I can't say that I blame her.

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

wow. well it seems to me like your future step-daughter is a bit of a whore.

-kaycee (16 yrs old)

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

Oh gosh. Leave her alone and see how she does without a parent to make her food, get her things and do laundry. Then after she complains for awhile talk to her and teach her a lesson!



My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

WOW...You did the right thing....but now you need to make dad deal with it....make him understand that you are not making him choose between you and the daughter but that he has to make her abide by the rules of the house....This is a very sticky situation....I feel for ya!

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

she's a teenager with ragging hormones trying to get guys. she'll come around. Alot times as adults we forget how we were when were teengers. She won't change her opinions on her body image so just keep being strict she'll get over it.

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

I would have done the same thing but just give her time %26amp; space to cool off. She is 16 and thinks she is all grown up. Most teenagers think that way.

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

Let her throw her little tantrum,but let her know you are there for her if she needs you,and make it clear you are not apologizing.

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

you can only do what you did keep him informed it is up to her dad to be a parent and set her straight which sounds like she needs


My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

If there is no discipline then she'll grow up to be a rotten person. I know someone that grew up without discipline and they are dark and nasty.

I would take away her computer and each time she says something take away something else. Let her know every time she acts out there will be a price to pay.

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

I think you somewhat overstepped your boundaries, your not her mother and it probably scared her that her dad would take your side immediately. I would think, that as a teen myself, it wouldn't so much be the topic, as much as it is that she sees you as a threat. Be more careful when you go to "help" your bf with problems with his daughter.

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

even though she is very upset, i think that you should try and sit her down calmy, say that you are sorry, and that you didnt want to invade on her online life.. then you need to explain to her why you did. (understandingly of course) Say that you were just concerned about her well being. help her understand.

Then work with her to come up with a solution, like maybe next time, you wont go straight to her dad, but you will talk to her first and tell her your concerns. At the end of the day, its sad to say that you arent the parent, and perhaps should bring this stuff to his attention in a way that she wont know about it... ? Just a thought.

Good luck

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

You just need to sit down with them both and set ground rules. Tell her that you expect respect and you will treat her the same. After all you are the adult here!

Be supportive of your boyfriend with her but don't let them make you change your morals!

Good Luck!

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

ah the wonderful life of the "second" mother or "other" woman.

Now when you said the mother agrees with her 100% what does that mean?

Does the birth mother approve of her MySpace page


agree that you are a F'in *****?

For the most part you will not have to deal with her language and attitude if the Father has a stern hand in the relationship. As long as he does not accept her behavior she will either behave or never come around. Neither is your fault.

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

well your not her mother so you cant do anything but hes the father so he could put an end to all this **** i would take her phone away cuz teenagers cant live with out there phones and that would stop her from cussin at yall on the phone

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

Nuthan u can do really. Thats not ur daughter and u cant tell her wat 2 do jus cuz u r datin her dad. U arent even married 2 him so if u dont like how she acts, jus tell him shes not welcum in ur house til she can respect u. Of course then he will feel like ur tryna stop him from seein her but best thing 2 do is go in that direction. From now on jus stay out his affairs wit his daughter and if he doesnt find out on his own then O well cuz look where it got u. From now on worry about u and ur son cuz in tha end thats all that really matters.

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

respect a little girl by letting her meet some freak online? Are you that stupid guy. this little girl has SERIOUS problem why is she still allowed on the internet and to have a phone. You need to do something about this child soon or your son is going to pick up on her little attitude.this is YOUR house and though she is his daughter you have every right to keep dirty language out of your house.I am completely amazed she speaks to people like this. if I ever evne thought of that stuff my mama would have hit me so hard in the back of my head I wouldnt know what text messaging was anymore.

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

i think the next time she's at your house try to like take her out to do something like shopping or something that she likes to do and talk to her about it in the process just say that u know that there are weirdos out there and you were just trying to look after her and your sorry for making her feel like she was trying to get her in trouble beacuse thats not what u were trying to do.....try it....good luck

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

You should have found a way for the dad to find out without your intervention so it was like him finding it and confronting her. You dont want to start a relationship with a young adult by snitching/telling on them. They will never trust you with any confidential info. She had freedom to be who she wanted on myspace you took that away from her. Child predators are out there but you can still protect your children by knowing whats going on in thier lives. All in all I really dont know what to say. Too bad parenting doesn't come with a instruction manuel

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

whatever you do dont come in between her and her father....she feels threaten by you altho she has clearly no reason too, dont accept her language tell her calmly that this is your home and her home while she is with you too but disrespect and bad language wont be accepted from her. and then drop it... talk to her with respect. even explain to her why you did it... if her mother agrees with the poses im not sure she is a good role model for her and maybe the apple doesnt fall far from the tree but i dont want to be presumptuous with regard to how her mother raises her child, but i would do my best to keep it calm and light

good luck

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

Stick to your guns...she's just 16 and barely knows anything about life. She obviously has some real issues w/ authority. Let in her know in a non-confrontational way that her disrespect is completely unacceptable.

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

I agree with what you did. I have a myspace myself and I'm 15 and I'm always very safe online and I never reveal anything in pictures. You were right to give her father a heads up. She shouldn't be talking to adults like that with such vulgar language. I mess around with my dad sometimes and call him a name once in a while, but I never say it seriously. She needs to have respect for herself and her parents. Just try to avoid her when she is around you, and don't say anything to her at all costs. I hope this helps, good luck :]

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

I know its a really tough situation, but you have to be really really careful and delacate in these situations becuase you are not her actual mother. She will constantly use the excuse "You can't tell me what to do, you're not my real mom" so get used to it, its basic instinct.

What you need to do is sit down with your boyfriend and discuss how you two are going to handle situations in the future. You and him could talk problems over, and then HE should be the one to handle them without getting you involved as much as possible. You should still show dicipline, but don't make her feel as though as soon as you move into her life that you're taking over.

Remember, she now sees her father as her territory and she doesnt want anything or anyone to take that from her, she feels threatened that you might come in and change things, and for whatever reason she lost her mom, she might feel subconciously afraid of losing her father as well. Its best to be on her good side, at least for now, so that she feels less threatened. The less threatened she feels, the more comfortable she will be with you.

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

don't mind her... she's jealous her dad found somone that treats him right.

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

tell her:

this is very very "skanky" for a girl to do that and only makes the creeps in highschool go for her.

good boyfriends go for the modest classy chicks.

besides, why recieve those texts in the fist place? take away the phone! she needs to be diciplined.

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

im only 20 years old and i wouldnt know what to do if i had a daughter whose default picture is on myspace for all the world to see.....her dad is an asshole for doing that or not checking up on her pictures or friends or whatever and second since they are goig to live with you you are still in control its your house so if she doesnt like the rules oh well she should respect you first and if she has that picture of her up then she doesnt respect herself enough

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

What did you think she would do? You disrespected her?? Respect her and she will respect you.

My boyfriends daughter/MySpace?

You owe her an apology. And until you give it, I doubt she will ever respect you. Honestly.

You disrespected her by invading her privacy. I'm telling you now, there is no way she is going to think you are right.

And listen, I have had a myspace for over 2 years now, and I have over a 100 friends on there, and all of my friends probably have another 100 friends each. So we are talking a network of over 1,000 teens that I know. And NONE of them have ever had issues with wierdos or pedophiles.

When someone meets someone they do not know on myspace, yeah chances are the person is a freak, but that's because you don't know them. Teens who invite strangers over to their house and get hurt, I don't feel bad for. They did it to themself.

Also, there are settings where no one but the people who are your friends can view your profile.

Myspace isn't a danger trap. It is ment for networking. Guess what, these social networking sites have been around for years and years and teens have been doing it. It's just myspace that caught the eye of the media.

You should back off, and apologize. Nothing is going to happen to her, just let her be. Most kids love myspace because they can vent what makes them upset, and also talk with friends, and see friends new pictures.

If you are afraid of your teen on Myspace, well then that's your fault because you should have taught your teen better morals than to meet strangers off the internet, which by the way they can do without using myspace.

Good Luck!

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