Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why don't girls like me as a boyfriend?

My ex's all say that I have just the right touch, soft and sweet but not too sweet... Girls always say I am so sweet and romantic and everything like that, I never push girls into something they dont wanna do, matter of fact most of the time they make the moves... I have a pretty god sense of style, girls say I'm cute, I'm pretty popular at school, and I play football... I always want to be the consumate gentleman, I hold the door open for them, I always wanna pay for everything, etc etc... I'm very responsible and trustworthy, I'll walk her to the door and call her later to make sure everything is ok... IDK it just seems that most girls like me as a friend and not a boyfriend yet I always see them getting hurt with a$$ hole boyfriends??? Why dont they like me?

my myspace is

Why don't girls like me as a boyfriend?

They do like you.

However, they want to date someone with confidence.

You don't have to be an *** to have confidence - but alot of those *******s have confidence - and that's why they get in a position to have girlfriends.

Make a move - don't be so passive. Making a move does not necessarily mean that you are mean, inconsiderate or rude - make a nice move - but MAKE IT!!! Making a move shows them that you like THEM as a girlfriend. Maybe if you like them as a girlfriend - they will like you as a boyfriend.

If you are not ready to make a move - don't worry about it - you wouldn't be ready to have a girlfriend anyways. If you are ready - what's stopping you?

Why don't girls like me as a boyfriend?

Just be an asshole.

Why don't girls like me as a boyfriend?

I dont know! You sound really sweet to me. I would go out with you. =)

Why don't girls like me as a boyfriend?

Maybe you should be more proactive and make a move? 80% of women say they prefer men to be the initiator...

Why don't girls like me as a boyfriend?

Damn!! ur a great guy!! i wish all of my exs would have been half as nice as u!! maybe the girls u like just dont realize how great u really are!! if u ever wanna talk and u got yahoo messenger my address is rebelchic_0308

Why don't girls like me as a boyfriend?

When you give a girl everything,they tend to take advantage.You don't want to appear soft.You say you play football,but you didn't describe any physical features.It may be any number of things.Just be the best you can be at being yourself....and stop trying to impress women to like you.They can't stand that!

Why don't girls like me as a boyfriend?

It sounds like you're still in high school. Trust have time. Girls my age would do almost anything to have a guy like you, and I'm 24. Just give it time. I think it's a phase that us girls go through. It's really hard to explain, though I was once there myself. lol. You sound like a really great guy. Just be your kind, sweet self. Sooner or later a girl is going to notice.

Why don't girls like me as a boyfriend?

Since I have been answering questions like this all day I will say this. You have to be aggressive!! Now I am not saying that you have to take her where she stands, but for god sake if you want something go for it. I agree being a gentleman is very important, but there is nothing wrong with touching a girl, slapping some behind, kissing the neck and just overall touching. If you are to coy, women will assume you just like them as a friend, and they will dismiss you very quickly. I don閳ユ獩 want to encourage you to be a jerk, but it閳ユ獨 ok to get what you want sometimes, and women will love you for it. If you want a relationship then go to church, but if you want to have some fun with women then be aggressive and go for what you want. Men are the aggressors by nature, so own your title, and a little secret, women find that to be one of the most attractive things about a man. Hope this helps.


Why don't girls like me as a boyfriend?

just keep doing what your doing because you really do sound like a good guy i guess the ex's that went out with you are just *** and you know what don't worry you will find a girl that would love you and this will all take time..:)

Good luck!

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